Curriculum vitae Reyer Gerlagh

P9070235 small
Name Reyer Gerlagh
Position Professor of Environmental Economics
Year of birth 1969
Place of birth Djoemoe, Sipaliwini, Surinam
Affiliation Tilburg University
Location Prisma Building (also via Google.Maps)

Short biography

In 1999 Reyer Gerlagh received his PhD in economics. He won the "Vernieuwingsimpuls", a prestigious 5-year scholarship (2000-2005) of €650,000 by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). He visited Oslo, January-June 2006, by invitation from the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters to work at the Centre of Advanced Studies on the interaction between environmental policy and technology. From 2006 to 2009, he held a chair in Environmental Economics at the Economics Department, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester, UK. Since 2009, he is Professor of Economics at Tilburg University. From 2011 to 2014, he was coordinating lead author of the fifth assessment report of the IPCC, WGIII. He has held various associate editorships (incl. ERE, Energy Economics), and was Head of the Economics Department 2015-2019, jointly with Jan Boone, in Tilburg.

Research areas

Climate-macro economics, Fossil fuels markets and climate, Concepts of sustainability, Policy-induced technological change

Main publications

Gerlagh R. and R.J.R.K. Heijmans (2019), Climate conscious consumers and the Buy-Bank-Burn Program. Nature Climate Change, June.

Gerlagh R. and M. Liski (2018), Consistent Climate Policies, JEEA 16(1):1-44. WP version: Carbon prices for the next thousand years

Gerlagh R. and M. Liski (2018), Carbon prices for the next hundred years, the Economic Journal 128: 728-257.

Victor, D.G., R. Gerlagh, and G. Baiocchi (2014), Getting serious about categorizing countries, Science 345: 34-36.

Gerlagh R. and M. Liski (2011), Strategic Resource Dependence. Journal of Economic Theory: 146:699-727.

Papyrakis, E. and R. Gerlagh(2007), “Resource-Abundance and Economic Growth in the U.S.”, European Economic Review, 51:1011-1039. (pdf-file, 420k)

Gerlagh R. and M.A. Keyzer (2003) "Efficiency of conservationist measures; an optimist viewpoint", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 46:310-333. (first 4 pages as pdf-file, 120k)

Gerlagh R. and B.C.C. van der Zwaan (2002) "Long-term substitutability between environmental and man-made goods", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 44:329-345. (first 4 pages as pdf-file, 133k)

Gerlagh R. and M.A. Keyzer (2001) "Sustainability and the intergenerational distribution of natural resource entitlements" Journal of Public Economics 79(2): 315-341.

Click here for list of all publications.

Popular science videos and podcasts

De gevaren van klimaatverandering, De Brede Welvaart podcast, afl 4, door de ESB

Special Energiecrisis #1, #2 #3, #4, #5, Science Quest; podcast door TiU over haar wetenschappers; beschikbaar via spotify

KLimaatdromers #2, Science Quest; podcast door TiU over haar wetenschappers; beschikbaar via spotify

Intellectueel als activist, vanaf 13:20 min; Science Queset #13; podcast door TiU over haar maatschappelijk betrokken wetenschappers.

Corona uitgelegd 1. Basisbegrippen, 2. Op slot dan kleinhouden, 3. Klein houden of groepsimmuniteit , 4. Superverspreiders.

COVID-19 explained 1. Basic principles, 2. After the lock down, 3. Suppression versus herd immunity, 4. Super spreaders.

De klimaatcrash (NL) / Climate Crash (EN)

Academic metrics

54 publications in ISI Web of Science (retrieved 16 Oct 2018)

1527 citations (excl self-) in ISI Web of Science internal database of international refereed journals (retrieved 16 Oct 2018)

h-index = 26 in ISI Web of Science internal database of international refereed journals (retrieved 20 Feb 2020)

h-index = 41 in Scholar Google (retrieved 20 Feb 2020)

Teaching Experience

First, second, and third-year undergraduate macroeconomics (introduction, growth and institutions), undergraduate first and second year microeconomics (introduction, IO), undergraduate climate change economics, research masters macroeconomics, research masters environmental economics, various summer schools (Oslo 2012, Venice 2006+2011+2018, Bogota 2017+2020, Graz 2021).

Management tasks

2021- Vice Dean Research, Tilburg School of Economics, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
2021- Director, Tilburg Sustainability Center, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
2019-2021 Chair Education Committee, All BSc programs, TiSEM, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
2015-2019 Head of Economics Department (joint with Jan Boone), Tilburg University, The Netherlands
2010-2014 Coordinating Lead Author Ch5, WG III, IPCC AR5 (responsible for Chapter 5: "Drivers, trends, and mitigation"
2005-2006 Deputy department head Economics and Technology, IVM
2000-2005 Programme Manager International Environmental Economics, IVM
1999-2000 Deputy Programme Manager Modelling and Economic Analysis, IVM

Academic Training

1993-1998 Doctoral degree (PhD) Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (supervisors: Prof. dr. M.A. Keyzer and Prof. dr. H. Verbruggen)
1988-1993 Masters degree Mathematics cum laude, Vrije Universtiteit Amsterdam
1988-1992 Masters degree Econometrics cum laude, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Professional employment history

2009-present Professor of Environmental Economics, Tilburg University, Economics, The Netherlands
2006-2009 Professor of Environmental Economics, University of Manchester, Economics, UK
2000-2006 Associate Professor Environmental Economics, IVM
1993-2000 Junior Researcher, Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
1990-1992 Student-assistent of Prof. dr. G. van der Laan, Economics department, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Prizes and Grants

2016 JEEM's Best Paper Award 2016, jointly with Inge van den Bijgaart and Matti Liski for paper "A simple formula for the Social Costs of Carbon"
2007 SENSE PhD Award (€ 1.000) for Elissaios Papyrakis, PhD student I supervised
2006 Research fellow at the Centre for Advanced Study, Oslo, of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. Research group: "Environmental Economics: Policy Instruments, Technology Development, and International Cooperation"
2003 The Energy Journal's Best Paper Award, jointly with Onno Kuik for paper on "Trade Liberalisation and Carbon Leakage"
2001-2005 Vernieuwingsimpuls; 5 year grant for innovative research (650,000 EUR)
1988 Silver Medal International Physics Olympiad, Austria
1987 1st Prize Dutch Physics Olympiad
1987 Bronze Medal International Mathematics Olympiad, Cuba
1986 6th Prize Dutch Mathematics Olympiad

Invited academic presentations (keynotes, panels, seminars)

Opening Keynote ast SURED: "Climate, technology, family size; on the crossroad between two ultimate externalities", 19 Oct 2020, Ascona

CER-ETH Seminars: "Fertility and Climate Change", 9 March 2020, ETH, Zurich

CEE-M Seminars: "Endogenous Emission Caps Always Induce a Green Paradox", 27 Feb 2020, INRA, Montpellier

Helsinki Graduate School Seminars: "Regulating Homogeneous Externalities", 10 Sep 2019, Aalto University, Helsinki

Regulation and Environment Seminars: "Family planning and climate policy", 25 Feb 2019, Paris School of Economics

Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Seminar Series: "Family planning and climate policy", 5 Feb 2019, Wageningen University

IEW keynote plenary presentation: "A Theory of Saving the Climate Policy Lessons 90 years after Ramsey", 19 June 2018, International Energy Workshop, Gothenburg

Department of Economics Seminars: "Global demographic change and climate policies", 8 May 2017, University of Gothenburg

Theory and Environment Workshop: "Cake eating with private information", 3 March 2016, University of Oslo

Value Added in Motion Seminar: "CO2 embedded in trade: trends and drivers", 14 May 2015, University of Milan

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Seminar: "A simple formula predicts the SCC remarkably well", Oct 2013, Potsdam

Toulouse Tiger Forum: "Carbon prices for the next thousand years", 5-7 June 2013, Toulouse

Grantham Research Institute (LSE) Seminar: "A simple formula predicts the SCC remarkably well", 13 March 2013, London

Invited panellist at RIO+20 session at annual EAERE congress, 29 June 2012, Prague

Invited panellist at Discussion Round Table: Can We Afford Green Policies During an Economic Downturn?, 27 June 2012, Prague

Oxcarre Seminar Series (Oxford University), "Carbon prices for the next thousand years", 14 Feb 2012

Oslo University Seminar Series, “Public investment as commitment”, 19 September 2011.

Toulouse University Economics Department Seminar Series, “Public investment as commitment”, 11 April 2011, Toulouse

Paris Environmental and Energy Economics Seminar, “Energy abundance and industry location”, 17 March 2011, Paris

5th Energy Economics Policy Seminar on Innovation and Environmental Policy, The Hague: “Scarcity Creates Innovations; Uncertainty Breeds Evasions” , 17 June 2010.

FEEM-IEFE seminar (Bocconi University), Milan: “Energy Abundance and Industry Location” , 10 June, 2010.

Keynote speech at CESifo conference on Energy and Climate Economics, Munich, 16-17 October 2009: “Too much oil

Invited chair at special session on discounting, EAERE annual conference, Amsterdam, 24-27 June 2009

Keynote speech at St Andrews Economic Forum, 3 May 2008: “When oil crisis meets climate change”

Seminar Series Economics Department University of Birmingham. "Strategic Oil Dependence", 12 Feb 2008

Professional and popular presentations

Gala van de wetenschap: "Climate Crash", 26 Nov 2020, International Theater Amsterdam

2-Generatie college: "Mag het een beetje warmer?", 12 juni 2019, Hoger Onderwijs Voor Ouderen, Tilburg Universiteit

Panellid: "De energietransitie en de kosteneffectiviteit van het klimaatakkoord", 18 maart 2019, Strategie Summit Energie & Utilities 2019, Santpoort

Presentatie: "De hitte de baas", 14 nov 2018, Debatcafe, 's Hertogenbosch

Kindercollege: "Lekker warm, update", 13 juni 2018, Kinderuniversiteit, Tilburg

Wim Drees Lezing: "Vergroening belastingen", 22 maart 2018, Wim Drees Fonds, Haarlem

Korte pitch: "Groen Tilburg", 8 maart 2018, Milieucafe over de verkiezingen, Tilburg

Masterclass Energy Crisis, presentation for student association at Tilburg University, 26 Feb 2016

"A simple formula for the social costs of carbon", presentation for Netwerk Groene Groei, The Hague, 8 Dec 2015

"D-day for the climate", presentation for discussion meeting organized by Tilburg Sustainability Center, Tilburg, 3 Dec 2015

"Klimaatbeleid mag wat kosten", presentation for Groen-Links, provinciale staten Noord Brabant, Den Bosch, 28 Nov 2015

"The Venus Project", presentation for Dutch United Nations Student Association, Amsterdam, 24 Nov 2015

Plenary discussion on local climate policy, 100th jubilee Milieucafe, Tilburg, 5 Nov 2014

"Heeft klimaatbeleid voor gemeenten nog zin?", presentation for municipality civil servants, Eindhoven, 24 Oct 2014

"Financing Sustainable Development", Model United Nations, Tilburg, 3 May 2014

"Too much oil", Presentation for Masterclass "I am sustainable", Tilburg, 7 Oct 2013

Lab4energy, "Climate Change", introductary first lecture in web-course for secondary school students,19 March 2013, Internet

L.S.V. Minerva (students' corps), "Lekker Warm?" (in Dutch), 26 June 2012, Leiden

Energie Event Brabant, "De Toekomstige Brabantse Energievoorziening" (in Dutch), 30 May 2012, 's Hertogenbosch

Jonge Democraten (regional youth department of political party D66), "De Toekomstige Nederlandse Energievoorziening" (in Dutch), 23 April 2012, Breda

Happy Chaos, Keynote speech (in Dutch): "Voorbij de crisis", Momentum, 15 February 2012, Amsterdam

Theresialyceum (secondary school), "Duurzame economische groei, wat is dat?" (in Dutch), 8 Feb 2012, Tilburg

Econometrics Assets (alumni corps), "Climate change policy as commitment", 8 Nov 2011, Tilburg

Inaugural address (in Dutch), “Waar eindigt duurzame groei?”, 26 november 2010, Tilburg

Kinderuniversiteit, “Lekker warm” (in Dutch), presentation for primary school children, 8 November 2010, Tilburg University.


2019- Buy-Bank-Burn used by NGOs for increasing impact of allowances retirement: the German Environmental Agency mentions it as an impactful way to offset emissions. It is used by CAP2 and by various other similar NGOs in the EU.
2021- Member Supervisory Board, CenterDATA
2019 Promotor (with Eric van Damme) R. Heijmans
2019 Visiting professor, University of Pretoria (host: Roula Inglesi-Lotz)
2018 Invited guest lecturer at the EAERE summer school, Sustainability and Climate Change, 2018, Venice
2017 Guest lecturer at the Rosario University Summer school, Macro-Climate and Resource Economics, jointly with Mauricio Rodriguez, 2017, Bogota
2016 Promotor A. Motavasseli.
2014 Promotor T. Michielsen
2014 Promotor I. van den Bijgaart
2013-2014 Extended Core Writing Team (EWT) member of the Synthesis Report (SYR) of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)
2012 Principal lecturer Oslo Summer School in Comparative Social Science Studies, 23-27 July
2011 Coordinator EAERE summer school, jointly with Matti Liski on Developments in Resources Economics
2011 Coordinator International Mathematical Olympiad, Amsterdam
2010 Coordinator Benelux Mathematical Olympiad
2008 Promotor L. Pellegrini on Corruption, Development and the Environment (most-recent version: pdf-file, 660kb)
2008 Economic and Social Research Council Climate Change Fellowship Panel member
2008 Sustainable Consumption InstituteTheme Leader
2007-2011 Associate Editor Environment and Resource Economics
2007-2009 Member of Editorial Board Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
2006-2009 Member Scientific Board TranSust.Scan project (EU)
2006 Invited guest lecturer at the EAERE summer school, Computable General Equilibrium Modeling in Environmental and Resource Economics, 25-30 June 2006, Venice
2006 Co-promotor E. Papyrakis on The Political Economy of King Midas: Resource Abundance and Economic Growth (pdf file, 1500kb), 15 June 2006 (SENSE PhD Award 2007, € 1.000)
2005 Co-promotor O. Kuik (senior researcher) on Climate change policies, international trade, and carbon leakage (pdf file, 961k), October 21, 2005
2004-present Associate Editor Energy Economics
2003 Guest editor (jointly with C. Carraro and B.C.C. van der Zwaan) for Special issue on "Economic Modelling of Environmental Policy and Endogenous Technological Change", Resource and Energy Economics 25, Issue 1

Papers in Progress

Rational Rationing: A Price-Control Mechanism for a Persistent Supply Shock, jointly with Matti Liski and Iivo Vehviläinen, MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research

Regulating Global Externalities, jointly with Roweno Heijmans, previous version as CentER Discussion Paper 2019-01

Rent-seeking in Climate Policy., jointly with Matti Liski.

All journal publications

Gerlagh, R and S. Smulders (2024). Shale gas revolution could paralyse the energy transition. Nature Climate Change, 14, 13-14.

Gerlagh R and E van der Heijden (2024). Going green: Framing effects in a dynamic coordination game. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 108 (102148)

Gerlagh, R (2023). Climate, technology, family size; on the crossroad between two ultimate externalities. European Economic Review, 152, 104376.

Gerlagh R., R. Heijmans and K.E. Rosendahl (2022). Shifting concerns for the EU ETS: are carbon prices becoming too high?. Environmental Research Letters, 17(5):054018, (replication package)

Gerlagh R., M. Galeotti and V. Lupi (2022). Family planning and climate change, Scandinavian Journal of Economics (doi:10.1111/sjoe.12520)

Gerlagh R., R. Heijmans and K.E. Rosendahl (2021). An endogenous emissions caps produces a green paradox. Economic Policy, doi:10.1093/epolic/eiab011 (video presentation, (replication package)

Weber, S., R. Gerlagh, N.A. Mathys, D. Moran (2021). CO2 embedded in trade: Trends and fossil fuel drivers, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, doi:10.1007/s11356-020-12178-w. (replication package)

Gerlagh R., K.E. Rosendahl and R.J.R.K. Heijmans (2020). COVID-19 tests the Market Stability Reserve, Environmental and Resource Economics 76(4), 855-865, (WP version, replication package).

Jaimes R. and R. Gerlagh (2020). Resource-Richness and Economic Growth in Contemporary US, Energy Economics 89: 104810

Gerlagh R. and R.J.R.K. Heijmans (2019), Climate conscious consumers and the Buy-Bank-Burn Program. Nature Climate Change 9: 431-433.

Graafland J. and R. Gerlagh (2019), Economic Freedom, Internal Motivation, and Corporate Environmental Performance of SMEs, Environmental and Resource Economics 74:1101-1123.

Smulders J.A., R. Gerlagh, S.L. Zhou (2019), Circulaire economie hoeft niet ten koste te gaan van groei en innovatie, ESB 104 (4770): 60-63

Dengler S., R. Gerlagh, S. T. Trautmanna, G. van de Kuilen (2018), Climate policy commitment devices, JEEM 92:331-343

Gerlagh R. and M. Liski (2018), Consistent Climate Policies, JEEA 16(1):1-44. WP version: Carbon prices for the next thousand years

Gerlagh R. and M. Liski (2018), Carbon prices for the next hundred years, the Economic Journal 128: 728-257.

Gerlagh, R., I. van den Bijgaart, H. Nijland, and T. Michielsen (2018), Fiscal policy and CO2 emissions of new passenger cars in the EU, Environmental and Resource Economics 69(1): 103-134

van Soest D., J.A. Smulders, R. Gerlagh (2018), Lessen voor het Nederlandse klimaatbeleid, Pre-adviezen KVS: 167-175

Gerlagh, R. (2017), Generous sustainability. Ecological Economics 136: 94-100

Stern, D., R. Gerlagh and P.J.Burke, (2017), Modeling the Emissions-Income Relationship Using Long-Run Growth Rates, Environment and Development Economics 22:699-724.

van den Bijgaart, I., R. Gerlagh and M. Liski (2016) A simple formula for the Social Cost of Carbon, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 77:75-94.

van der Zwaan, B.C.C., and R. Gerlagh (2016) Offshore CCS and ocean acidification: a global long-term probabilistic cost-benefit analysis of climate change mitigation, Climatic Change 137:157-170.

Gerlagh, R. and T.O. Michielsen (2015), Moving targets - cost-effective climate policy under scientific uncertainty, Climatic Change 132:519-529.

Gerlagh, R., N.A. Mathys, and T.O. Michielsen (2015), Energy abundance, trade and industry specialization”, The Energy Journal 37:27-37.

Victor, D.G., R. Gerlagh, and G. Baiocchi (2014), Getting serious about categorizing countries, Science 345: 34-36.

Gerlagh, R. and O. Kuik (2014), Spill or leak? Carbon leakage with international technology spillovers: A CGE analysis., Energy Economics 45:381-388. (GTAP scripts)

Gerlagh, R. S. Kverndokk, and K.E. Rosendahl (2014), The optimal time path of clean energy r&d policy when patents have finite lifetime, J. of Environmental Economics and Management 67: 2-19.

Gerlagh, R. (2014), Calculating the Social Costs of Carbon without knowing preferences Comment on “A rapid assessment model for understanding the social cost of carbon”, Climate Change Economics 5:1450004 [7 pages] DOI: 10.1142/S2010007814500043.

Gerlagh R. and T. Sterner (2013), Rio+20: Looking Back at 20 Years of Environmental and Resource Economics. Environmental and Resource Economics 54: 155-159.

Gerlagh, R. and T.O. Michielsen (2012), "The Green Paradox", entry 158 in "Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics", edited by De Zeeuw et al., forthcoming by Elseviers.

Van Heerden, J.H., R. Tol, R. Gerlagh, J.N. Blignaut, S. Hess, M. Horridge, M. Mabugu, R. Mabugu, M. de Wit and T. Letsoalo (2012), "Double Dividends of Additional Water Charges in South Africa", pages 254-267 in "Nature's Wealth", edited by Pieter van Beukering, forthcoming by Cambridge University Press, UK.

Gerlagh R. and B.C.C. van der Zwaan (2012), Evaluating Uncertain CO2 Abatement over the Very Long Term. Environmental Modeling and Assessment 17: 137-148.

Gerlagh R. and M. Liski (2011), Strategic Resource Dependence. Journal of Economic Theory: 146:699-727.

Gerlagh R. (2011), Too Much Oil. CESifo Economic Studies 57: 79-102.

Mulatu A., R. Gerlagh, D. Rigby, and A. Wossink (2010), Environmental Regulation and Industry Location in Europe, Environmental and Resource Economics 45: 459-479.

Gerlagh R., S. Kverndokk and K.E. Rosendahl (2009),”Optimal Timing of Climate Change Policy; Interaction between Carbon Taxes and Innovation Externalities”. Environmental and Resource Economics 43:369-390.

Van der Zwaan, B. and R. Gerlagh (2009), The economics of geological CO2 storage and leakage. Climatic Change 93:285-309. DEMETER Model code and output files available (zipfile, 1.1MB). See also comment on our paper in same issue.

Pellegrini L. and R. Gerlagh, (2008), “Causes of Corruption: a survey of Cross-Country analyses and extended results”, Economics of Governance, 9:245–263.

Gerlagh R., (2008), “A Climate-Change Policy Induced Shift from Innovations in Carbon-Energy Production to Carbon-Energy Savings”, Energy Economics, 30: 425-448.

Papyrakis, E. and R. Gerlagh(2007), “Resource-Abundance and Economic Growth in the U.S.”, European Economic Review, 51:1011-1039. (pdf-file, 420k)

Gerlagh R., (2007), “ The level and distribution of costs and benefits over generations of an emission stabilization program”, Energy Economics 29: 126-131. Click here (257k) for the paper + GAMS source code of the model + Excell file with figures.

Gerlagh, R., (2007), “Measuring the value of induced technical change”, Energy Policy 35: 5287-5297.

Pellegrini L. and R. Gerlagh, (2006), “Corruption, Democracy and Environmental Policy: an Empirical Contribution to the Debate”, Journal of Environment and Development, 15 (3): 332-354. (pdf-file, 107k)

Papyrakis, E. and R. Gerlagh (2006), “Resource Windfalls, Investment, and Long-Term Income”, Resources Policy 31: 117-128, (pdf-file, 268k).

Gerlagh R. and B.C.C. van der Zwaan (2006), Options and Instruments for a Deep Cut in CO2 Emissions: Carbon Capture or Renewables, Taxes or Subsidies?, The Energy Journal, 27:25-48.(pdf-file, 248k)

Van der Zwaan, B.C.C. and R. Gerlagh (2006), “Climate Sensitivity Uncertainty and the Necessity to Transform Global Energy Supply Energy”, Energy 31: 2235-2251. (pdf-file, 283k)

Pellegrini L. and R. Gerlagh, (2006), Corruption and environmental policies: what are the implications for the enlarged EU?, European Environment 16:139-154.(pdf-file, 359k)

Van Heerden, J.H., R. Gerlagh , J. Blignaut, M. Horridge , S. Hess, R. Mabugu, and M. Mabugu (2006), "Searching for triple dividends in South Africa: Fighting CO2 pollution and poverty while promoting growth", The Energy Journal, 27(2): 113-141. (pdf-file, 313kb

Gerlagh R., (2006), “ITC in a Global Growth-Climate Model with CCS. The Value of Induced Technical Change for Climate Stabilization”,The Energy Journal, Special issue on Induced Technological Change and Climate Change, 55-72. (pdf-file 1.270k)

Van Heerden, J., J. Blignaut, M. Mabugu, R. Gerlagh, S. Hess, R.S.J. Tol, M. Horridge, R. Mabugu, M. de Wit and T. Letsoalo (2006), ‘Redistributing Environmental Tax Revenue to Reduce Poverty in South Africa: The Cases of Energy and Water’, South African Journal of Economic and Management Science, 9 (4), 537-552. (paper, pdf-file, 376k)

Gerlagh R., and W. Lise (2005), Carbon taxes: a drop in the ocean, or a drop that erodes the stone? The effect of carbon taxes on technological change, Ecological Economics 54: 241-260. (paper, pdf-file, 266k)

Gerlagh R. and M.A. Keyzer (2004) "Path dependence in a Ramsey model with resource amenities and limited regeneration", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 28: 1159-1184. (pdf-file, 382k)

Gerlagh R., B.C.C. van der Zwaan, M.W. Hofkes, and G. Klaassen (2004), “Impacts of CO2 taxes when there are niche markets and learning by doing”, Environmental and Resource Economics 28:37-394. (intro + concl, pdf-file, 120k)

Gerlagh R., and B.C.C. van der Zwaan (2004), “A sensitivity analysis on timing and costs of greenhouse gas abatement, calculations with DEMETER”, Climatic Change 65:39-71.(intro + concl, pdf-file, 246k)

Papyrakis,E. and R. Gerlagh (2004), “The resource curse hypothesis and its transmissions channels”, Journal of Comparative Economics 32:181-193.(first 10 pages, pdf-file, 180k)

Pellegrini,L. and R. Gerlagh (2004), “Corruption’s effect on growth and its transmission channels”, Kyklos 57: 433-462.(intro, pdf-file, 216k)

Gerlagh R. and M.A. Keyzer (2003) "Efficiency of conservationist measures; an optimist viewpoint", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 46:310-333. (first 4 pages as pdf-file, 120k)

C. Carraro, B.C.C. van der Zwaan, and Gerlagh R. (2003), "Endogenous Technological Change in Economy-Environment Modeling, an Introduction", Guest Editors for Special Issue in Resource and Energy Economics, 25:1-10. (first 4 pages as pdf-file, 65k)

Gerlagh R., and B.C.C. van der Zwaan (2003), "Gross World Product and Consumption in a Global Warming Model with Endogenous Technological Change", Resource and Energy Economics, 25:35-57. (first 4 pages as pdf-file, 65k) Model used available through (zipped GAMS model, 104 k)

Kuik O., and R. Gerlagh (2003), "The effect of trade liberalization on carbon leakage under the Kyoto Protocol", The Energy Journal 24(3):97-120. (first 4 pages as pdf-file, 24k)

Gerlagh R. and E. Papyrakis (2003) "Are the economic costs of (non-)stabilising the atmosphere prohibitive? A comment", Ecological Economics 46:325-327. pdf-file (161 k) (extracted pages, 145k)

Gerlagh R. and B.C.C. van der Zwaan (2002) "Long-term substitutability between environmental and man-made goods", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 44:329-345. (first 4 pages as pdf-file, 133k)

Gerlagh R., R. Dellink, M.W. Hofkes, and H. Verbruggen (2002), "A Measure of Sustainable National Income for the Netherlands", Ecological Economics 41: 157-174. (first 4 pages as pdf-file, 75k)

van der Zwaan B.C.C., R. Gerlagh, G. Klaassen, and L. Schrattenholzer (2002), Endogenous technological change in climate change modeling, Energy Economics, 24:1-19, 2002. (first 4 pages as pdf-file, 56k) Model used available through (zipped GAMS model, 333 k)

Gerlagh R. and M.A. Keyzer (2001) "Sustainability and the intergenerational distribution of natural resource entitlements" Journal of Public Economics 79(2): 315-341.

Gerlagh R. and B.C.C. van der Zwaan (2001) "The effects of ageing and an environmental trust fund in an OLG model on carbon emission reductions", Ecological Economics 36(2): 311-326.(first 4 pages as pdf-file, 72k)

Gerlagh R. and M.A. Keyzer (2001) "Limits to growth theory", Ch. 13, pp 219-232 in Coordination and Growth, Essays in Honour of Simon Kuipers, eds. G. H. Kuper, E. Sterken and E. Wester, Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht. (pdf-file, 161k)

Verbruggen H., R.B. Dellink, R. Gerlagh, M.W.Hofkes, and H.M.A. Jansen (2001) "Alternative calculations of a sustainable national income according to Hueting" in Economic Growth and Valuation of the Environment,edited by E.C.van Ierland, J.van der. Straaten, and H.R.J. Vollebergh. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.

Gerlagh R. and B.C.C. van der Zwaan (2000), "Overlapping Generations versus Infinitely-Lived Agent; The Case of Global Warming", pages 301-327 in The long-term economics of climate change, Volume 3, edited by Richard Howarth and Darwin Hall, JAI Press, Stamford, Connecticut. (pdf-file, 250k)

Gerlagh R. (2000), "Discounting and sustainability in applied IAMs", pages 315-326 in Efficiency and Equity of Climate Change Policy, edited by Carlo Carraro, Kluwer, Dordrecht. (pdf-file, 46k)

Gerlagh R (1998), The efficient and sustainable use of environmental resource systems, Thela Thesis, Amsterdam. (thesis: English summary / Dutch summary)

Alcamo, J., G.J.J. Kreileman, J.C. Bollen, G.J. van den Born, R. Gerlagh, M.S. Krol, A.M.C. Toet, H.J.M. Vries (1996), "Baseline scenarios of global environmental change" in Global Environmental Change 6: 261-303.